Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Goodreads Giveaways

After finishing my latest book (Best. State. Ever.) earlier this morning, rather than pick up a new book to read, I decided to explore what giveaways are available on When I first discovered this feature on goodreads, authors giving away copies of their books - either as a pre-release or to celebrate an anniversary of sorts or to renew interest - I entered all the time and I won quite a few free books. Then I went thru a slump. No matter what giveaway I entered, I never won.

I'll try my chances at this again. I carefully scrolled through the lists of some of my favorite genres: historical fiction, memoir, contemporary fiction. I read descriptions, I read about the author. I looked at reviews if they were available. And then I clicked "submit." And now I'll wait and see.

I had trouble finding the place where the giveaways are listed on my iPad. In fact, I still can't figure out how to get there directly, without going to the full site and then once in the giveaways, opening the app. But as I was looking for a hint on how to get to the giveaways on the app, I googled goodreads giveaways and found a whole bunch of articles about how to increase your chances to win at giveaways. How it's not totally random. How different books might even have slightly different algorithms. I also read about how the authors don't really have much say in what algorithm is used.

In case you follow me on goodreads and noticed that I had more than 25 books to my "to be read" pile, well, this is the reason why.

Wish me luck!


  1. Can you post the link so I can follow you? Thank you!

    1. Apologies for taking so long to get back to you. I consider myself pretty tech savvy but couldn't figure out how to get a link to my goodreads profile from my phone or iPad. Had to sit at my computer to get it. Here you go:
