Saturday, November 7, 2020

Girl, Woman, Other

I was very engaged in Bernardine Evaristo's Girl, Woman, Other. It's the January choice for my community book club. I probably should not have read it so far in advance since it's a book with lots of characters, lots of nuance. I hope I remember enough to be able to discuss it intelligently two months from now. I'd love to be discussing it now. There's just so much meat to it.

Now, how to describe this fictional title. Is it a novel? Is it a compilation of related short stories? I'm not even sure how I'd categorize it. Evaristo's writing style is unique. It's a combination of prose and poetry.

But what is is about? It's about the intersecting lives of several women. Mostly in England. Mostly women of color.  It explores their relationships with their parents, their partners, their friends. It examines their sexuality. It dissects career choices. It's about identity. It's about how to fit into society. Like I said, there is so much there.

What can readers relate to? What can readers learn from the characters in the book?

I found a great blog post that with some notes written down now should help me remember some of the things I'll want to bring up at book club  in January. I need to explore that website to see what they have for other books I might have read.


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