Thursday, September 7, 2023

The Rome Apartment

I don't know if I'd ever bought a book from a sponsored post on Facebook before. But since I'm really in a "books about Italy" mood, The Rome Apartment by Kerry Fisher really caught my attention. Surprisingly or not, I really enjoyed it!

Beth is a brand new empty nester when her husband informs her that he's bored with her and that since he's got a job assignment to Paris, maybe it's time for them to take a break. Beth's friend/co-worker spots an ad in a women's magazine for a really inexpensive rental in Rome that is available to only certain women who meet certain conditions - by application only - and who will be required to do some challenges to add a little more "life" to their lives. Beth applies, is accepted, and heads off to Rome. As soon as she gets there, she has second thoughts.

Veronica (Ronnie) is the owner of the apartment. She and her friend, Marina, come up with all sorts of challenges for Beth. They are in their 70s to Beth's 50. Marina is a really tough nut! Beth puts up a fight. She's not sure she's really ready for something like this. She's ready to go home after the first few days.

But she sticks it out and changes take place to her whole outlook on life as she finds her way around Rome, looking for the beauty in the small things. I loved the descriptions of Rome. Some is the Rome all the tourists see. Some would be more considered "hidden Rome." Counting down the weeks until I'm there and can look for the beauty in small things. (And really pray that I don't get pickpocketed and lose my iPhone in some crowded tourist spot.)

This is a novel about a woman rediscovering herself apart from her roles of wife and mother.


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