Tuesday, March 9, 2021

The end of an era

I'm writing this on Friday, but scheduling this to post Tuesday evening, after I've had time to let the members of the book club that I lead know that I'm quitting my position as community book club leader.

My heart is breaking. Yes, I've often thought about giving up the leadership role. But I never thought I'd feel forced to do so. 

I get so much email from the country club that is part of my community. I'm not sure why the other day I stopped to read one of the emails. It was information about our activity center. About how it's reopening on April 5 for all activities and clubs. They're removing some seating to  make social distancing easier. You can wear a mask, but you don't have to.

I guess I'm glad I saw that since later that evening, I got another email in my role of club leader. I was informed that I have to reapply to get my club somehow reinstated. Do they not realize that I've been keeping the book club going via zoom for the past 10 months? There's all sorts of paperwork that needs to be completed, including information about club members. There was one line in the email that rubbed me the wrong way. I should probably quote it exactly, but it was something like, "If you don't feel safe, stay home."

I don't feel safe. I haven't yet been vaccinated. I'm not sure when I will be able to get vaccinated. I'm a believer in masks. I don't want to be in any indoor space that allows unmasked unvaccinated people to mix with me. My mask protects them, not really me. Who is going to protect me?

As if covid-19 hasn't been isolating enough, this is one more loss that is hitting me hard.

I hope that someone steps up to start a new book club. Maybe once things become safer, I might rejoin. But I'm done leading. And that makes me sad.


  1. I'm so sorry to hear that. I know exactly what you are talking about. I had to give up my book club years ago when I didn't really want to but the circumstances made it too difficult for me.

    In hindsight, I am glad I did. Someone else stepped up a couple of years later and ran a club for a while. It was nice to "just" be a member, as well.

    One of the reasons I started my blog was to keep in touch with our former members and I'm happy to say it works. I started a list with all the books we ever read and discussed together and since I had always made notes and written a review later, had no problems with that.

    I wish you all the best with your further reading. I'm sure there'll be more books to talk about here.

  2. Thank you! And I'm sure there will always been more books to talk about here!

    I'm definitely open to becoming a member of a newly organized club. But right now, at this time, I think it's premature to go back to meeting in person, indoors, without masks.

    The group of women I've been zooming with are happy to continue doing so, so we've got that planned for the next two months.

    1. Well, that's nice. At least you're not completely out of touch as I was when we stopped. People had moved away and the internet didn't give you as many possibilities as it does today.

      In any case, all the best for the future!
