Monday, January 3, 2022



I guess the holidays got me a little off kilter as far as sharing my book reviews. For that, I apologize.

Charlotte McConaghy's Migrations was a book club pick. The woman who suggested the title felt it was a must read. I have to say that it wasn't at all what I was expecting. Not at all.

It's the story of Franny, an odd character, who wants to follow the Arctic terns for what she believes will be their final migration to Antarctica, all due to climate change. Those are the birds who follow the longest migration route of any birds, according to the novel. She essentially hitches a ride on a fishing boat where the fisherman struggle to find anything to catch.

In my reading log, I classified Migrations as environmental fiction. If there isn't a genre with that name, well, that's what I'm using. This was a touch dystopian, too. I believe this story takes place sometime in our (near) future and  it's a future that looks very bleak indeed. At least I hope what McConaghy has written isn't a reality right now.

I'm not sure how I felt about the novel. It was fascinating, definitely held my attention as I tried to figure out Franny's secrets. But the darkness of the novel... maybe I just wasn't in the mood for a dark novel such as this one. I do, think, though, that it will be a great novel to discuss. I only hope that reading it 3 weeks before our next book club meeting that I will remember the finer points for discussion.

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