Saturday, October 15, 2016

I love talking books

The other day I was talking to my older daughter and at one point realized that we'd been talking about books for a good chunk of the conversation. I interrupted her and said, "I love talking books with you!" And I do.

I've mentioned that my husband doesn't like to read. Of my three children, this one, my older daughter, is the only real reader. She loves to read. Finally. She didn't love to read as a kid. But now she does, and I'm thrilled.

I love hearing her say, "Mom, you need to read the book I'm reading. You'd love it." Even though she's a relatively new reader, she has a good sense of what I would and wouldn't like to read.

The first book that she recommended is the one she's reading now, The Soul of an Octopus: A Surprising Exploration into the Wonder of Consciousness by Sy Montgomery. Her description reminds me of The Elephant Whisperer. This one might be a good one to suggest at my January community book club meeting when we suggest books we might want to read in the coming year. I might try to read it first myself.

I'm not going to mention the title of the other book. It's a political book. She and I lean the same way, we talk politics (lately) as much as we talk about books. It's not a book I would ever recommend to anyone since I don't care to discuss politics with most people. The description of the second book sounds like another one I'd like to read.

Too many books, so little time!

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